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Wing FTP Server Corporate 7.2.8


удобный про FTP сервер, FTP Server easy-to-use

Дата публикации: 22.01.2024 - 20:37
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Wing FTP Server Corporate 6.4.7 + crack (patch)

Fixed a bug - Fix the Year 2038 problem, can't change the modified time of a file to year 2038 or later.
Fixed a bug - Can't set the expiration date of an user to year 2038 or later.
Fixed a bug - Can't set the expiration date of a weblink (or upload link) to year 2038 or later.
Fixed a bug - HTTP/HTTPS session can't keep alive in some situation.
Added a domain option "HTTP/HTTPS session keep-alive". If you disable it, the HTTP session will expire after 10 minutes of browser inactivity.

Wing FTP Server Corporate 6.4.8 + crack (patched)

Improvement - IE browser can't upload file because Windows removed Flash support since 12/Jan/2021, now use HTML Uploader instead of Flash Uploader.
Improvement - Added weblink search function under Weblink Manager interface.

Wing FTP Server Corporate 6.4.9 + crack (patch)

Improvement - Updated libssh to the latest version for improving SFTP server stability.
Improvement - When changing the user password, the new password can't be the same as the previous one.
Improvement - Windows version may crash due to "stack overflow" exception, though such issue is very rare.
Improvement - If upgrade from an old version with a large "audit_db" file, will skip creating the new database indexes.

Wing FTP Server Corporate 6.5.0 + crack (patched)

Цитата | Quote(Wing FTP Server Corporate 6)
        Added a feature - Added IP Whitelisting for allowing specific IPs to access server without any limitation.
    Added a feature - Added a FTP command "SSCN" to support secure FXP (server to server) transfer.
    Improvement - Added a "Comment" field for Domain/Server IP access rule.
    Improvement - Updated the Help Manual for the web administrator.

Wing FTP Server Corporate 6.5.1 + crack (patched)

Improvement - Now you can use server variables in the HTTP welcome message.
Improvement - Now supported full window Drag&Drop files in the web client.
Improvement - Added a few server variables: %mm, %ss, %UserName, %UserNote
Improvement - Updated libssh to the latest version.

Wing FTP Server Corporate 6.5.2 + crack (patched)

Added a Google Chrome extension "Wing Download Manager", for downloading multiple files/folders in the web client.
Improvement - Added systemd startup script "wftpserver.service" for Linux system.
Improvement - Improved the web client uploader, fixed some issues.
Improvement - For the SFTP protocol, WinSCP might return an error "Received too large SFTP packet" when the remote folder includes 10000+ files.

Wing FTP Server Corporate 6.5.4 + crack (patch)

Improvement - Added a column "File" (the last accessed file) under "Domain > Logs & Status > Activity".
Improvement - Will ignore max session number limitation if the current session's IP is in the whitelist.
Added a feature - Added an option "Kill the sessions from the same IP address" under "Domain > Logs & Status > Activity > Kick a session".
Fixed a bug - When downloading folders with Chrome extension, the hidden files will still be listed, even if the user option "Show files/dirs with hidden attribute" is disabled.
Fixed a bug - For the Linux version, when creating weblink/upload link without expiration date, the weblink in Weblink Manager still shows "Expired".
Fixed a bug - When kicking a session with "Disable user account" option, the user account will still be enabled actually.
Fixed a bug - Can't stop the WingFTP service by Linux command "/etc/init.d/wftpserver stop", when service is started by the systemd startup script "wftpserver.service".
Improvement - Removed the functions "Broadcast", "Chat" and "Send message to user" under "Domain > Logs & Status > Activity".
Improvement - Removed the option "Domain > Settings > General Settings > Data Transfer Limit > Weblink options -> Maximum Speed", you can use the above option "Maximum download speed per session" instead.

Wing FTP Server Corporate 6.5.5 + crack (patched)

Added a feature - Now you can upload an entire folder in the web client.
Improvement - "Search" function under "Domain -> Users" will list all the matched users now, you can use wildcard character "*" for username.
Improvement - "Search" function under "Domain -> Groups" will list all the matched groups now, you can use "*" for the group name.

Wing FTP Server Corporate 6.5.6 + crack (patched)

Improvement - Uploading files/folder intermittently freezes in Google Chrome version 91.0.4472.77.
Improvement - Improved the sending file interface for mobile version web client, and now you can specify a password for the weblink.
Fixed a bug - When sending weblink of a folder under mobile version web client, the generated weblink won't work.

Wing FTP Server Corporate 6.5.7 + crack (patched)

Added a Firefox extension "Wing Download Manager", for downloading multiple files/folders in the web client.
Improvement - For the time parameter of the FTP command "MFMT/MFCT/MFF", now it will be treated as a UTC time.
Improvement - Added a download button under the image viewer interface in the web client.

Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

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