SiteSpinner v.

SiteSpinner -программа для создания небольшого сайта.
Поможет быстро создать небольшой сайт любому неискушённому в знаниях HTML пользователю.В нём всё просто и удобно:нужна картинка? -перетащили мышкой в окно,сжали,растянули и закрепили в нужном месте,щелкнув по замочку.Так же просто редактировать текст,таблицы значки итд.Кроме того, SiteSpinner включает много продвинутых особенностей, таких как редактирование meta-тегов, генерация-объектов и другие полезные функции.

Virtual Mechanics' tools make it easy for you to build your own attractive, functional website quickly, without having to know HTML. You can be assured that your website can be hosted on any server and is compliant with all the major browsers and search engines.
You don't need to know any HTML -- SiteSpinner is 100% WYSIWYG - move anything anywhere with your mouse.
No need for image editing software -- Change the size or properties of any picture right in the work-window.
No need for a paint program -- Create shapes, backgrounds. Add shading or transparency.
No need for FTP software -- Publish directly from SiteSpinner to your web host. All your images can be automatically uploaded too.
Templates -- SiteSpinner includes quality templates for you to use to build your site.

Create mouse-over effects, create Forms, Spell Check your pages and more!


- Graphics Creation - Create graphics, shapes, backgrounds
- Image Editing - Shading, color enhancement, transparency, thumb-nails
- Positioning and Sizing - Centering and/or scaling objects or your whole page
- Text Editor - Spell Checking, Link Editing and Link Management
- Table Editor - Quick, easy, drag-and-drop Tables
- Form Editor - Create visitor feedback forms
- iframes - Like frames, only better
- Import Objects - Add Audio, Video to your site
- Special FX - Mouse-over effects, drop-down menus and more
- Publishing - No need for an FTP program, SiteSpinner has one built-in

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