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CopySafe PDF Protector v2.1.5.0


защита PDF

Дата публикации: 27.02.2011 - 04:08
CopySafe PDF v1.3.0.1

Твой софтовый форум

Программа служит для защиты от копирования/редактирования вашего PDF документа, включая защиту от таких функций как снятие скриншота и захват экрана. С помощью УЦМ опций можно также предотвратить пересылку и несанкционированное распространиение. Идеально для распространения, будь то путем загрузки или через компакт-диск.

CopySafe PDF is the most secure solution available if you want to copy protect PDF files. Currently it is the only solution available in the world that can protect PDF from all avenues of copy including Printscreen and screen capture. The CopySafe PDF Converter will protect PDF documents that already exists by including the CopySafe runtime and either produce an embedded viewer and/or a smaller PDF library file that can be read in the free CopySafe PDF Reader… ideal for distribution by download, email or on CD for Windows whether online or offline.

*Copy protect PDFs that cannot be extracted to copy images and text
*Copy protect PDFs that cannot be converted to other document types
*Copy protect PDFs from saving even though they have been downloaded
*Copy protect PDFs from Printscreen
*Copy protect PDFs from all screen capture software
*Copy protect PDFs with an optional password
*Copy protect PDFs with optional print protection
*Copy protect PDFs with optional expiration date


CopySafe PDF Protector v2.1.5.0

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