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Prepros 7.22


компилятор файлов для front-end GUI compiler editor

Дата публикации: 18.02.2024 - 11:48
Pages: 1, 2

описание (ru) Prepros компилятор файлов для front-end разработки. Prepros умеет компилировать файлы LESS, Sass, SCSS, Stylus, Jade, Slim, Coffeescript, LiveScript, Haml и Markdown, минифицировать и объединять в один JavaScript-файлы и это еще не все.

Возможности Prepros
компиляция файлов less, sass, scss, compass, coffeescript, stylus, jade, slim, markdown, haml и livescript;
приложение не зависит от того, установлены ли в системе соответствующие программы и библиотеки (sass, compass и т.п);
возможность оптимизировать изображения;
обновление страниц в браузере в реальном времени;
минификация и объединение файлов JavaScript;
отслеживание директив import;
гибкие настройки;
система вывода ошибок и оповещений (логов);
встроенный http-сервер.

description (en) Prepros is a GUI compiler for preprocessing languages such as LESS, Sass, Compass, Stylus, Jade, Slim, Markdown, Haml and CoffeeScript. Prepros has a built-in server so you can also live refresh your browser whenever you change your code on your editor.

Compile Everything
Prepros can compile almost all preprocessing languages like Sass, Less, Stylus, Cssnext, Jade/Pug, Markdown, Slim, Coffeescript etc.

Find Out Errors At a Glance
Forget black screen full of millions of unreadable errors.

Live Reload
Prepros reloads your browser automatically every time you save a file in code editor.

Minify & Optimize
Prepros can minify and optimize CSS, javascript & images with just one click.

Network Preview
Prepros 7 has built in server that can help preview your site in multiple devices like phones and tablets.

Browser Sync
Prepros 7 key synchronizes browsers across multiple devices for easier testing

Remote Inspect
Prepros sn has Chrome DevTools like inspector to remotely inspect & debug devices.

Build & Deploy
Prepros 7 license can export files ready for deployment or It can just upload all the files via FTP or SFTP for you.

Interface languages: En
OS: Windows 10/8/7 (32bit-64bit)
Homepage: prepros.io
скачать бесплатно / free download Prepros 7.22 + crack (license) ~ 200 Mb


Debian Linux

macOS (Intel & Apple Silicon)
Prepros 6.3 + crack (license activation)

hack в комплекте
Prepros 7.2.9 + crack (license patched)

Fixed an issue preventing Prepros from running local node modules while using custom tools.
Added an option to append output suffix even when the output file doesn't overwrite the input file.
Minor bug fixes.

Prepros 7.2.14 + crack (key patched)

Updated @babel/core to 7.8.6
Updated @babel/preset-env to 7.8.6
Updated CoffeeScript to 2.5.1
Updated Less to 3.11.1
Updated Dart Sass to 1.26.2
Updated Terser to 4.6.6
Updated TypeScript to 3.8.3
Updated Webpack to 4.42.0
improved PHP, HTML, CSS and JS files can now be imported from Pug files.

Prepros 7.2.20 + crack (patched)

Prepros 7.2.21 + crack (license patched)

Prepros 7.3.26 + crack (patched)

Fixed an issue occurring while uploading .css and .map files together.
Updated Terser to 5.3.1
Updated TypeScript to 4.0.2
Updated Babel, Babel plugins and presets to 7.11.6

Prepros 7.3.31 + crack (patched)

Цитата | Quote(Prepros)
Updated Less to 4.1.0
Updated Autoprefixer to 10.2.3
Updated Dart Sass to 1.32.5

Prepros 7.3.35 + crack (patched)

Fixed a crash occurring while resolving imports of large files.

Prepros 7.3.38 + crack (patched)

Fixed an error occurring while using custom babel plugins.
Updated Babel, Babel plugins and presets to 7.13.10
Updated Autoprefixer to 10.2.5
Updated Dart Sass to 1.32.8
Updated Pug/Jade to 3.0.2
Pages: 1, 2

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